Cloud Storage vs External Hard Driven

January 31, 2022


In today's society, practically everything has gone digital. From storing and sharing photos and documents to streaming media content, the world has moved to the cloud. While external hard drives used to be the primary means of storing data, cloud storage has become increasingly more popular. But which one is better? In this blog post, we'll compare the costs, benefits, and drawbacks of both cloud storage and external hard drives. Let's dive in!

Cloud storage

Cloud storage refers to the storing of data on remote servers maintained by cloud providers. Some examples of cloud storage providers are Google Drive, iCloud, Dropbox, and OneDrive. Users upload their documents, photos, and other files to the server, which can then be accessed from anywhere, as long as there is an internet connection.

Benefits of cloud storage

One of the benefits of cloud storage is that it's accessible from virtually anywhere. Files can be accessed from any device as long as there is an internet connection. Cloud storage is also easy to use - most providers offer user-friendly interfaces that facilitate easy management of files, and some even offer automatic syncing.

Drawbacks of cloud storage

One of the drawbacks of cloud storage is that it's not completely secure. While cloud providers employ security measures such as encryption and two-factor authentication, some hacking attempts still succeed, and the data gets compromised. Cloud storage is also dependent on internet connectivity; if the internet goes down, the data becomes inaccessible.

Costs of cloud storage

The cost of cloud storage varies from one provider to another. Most providers offer some storage space for free and charge a monthly or annual fee for additional storage space. Google Drive, for example, offers 15GB of free storage, after which users can pay for additional storage. For 100GB, users can pay $1.99 per month, while 2TB costs $9.99 per month.

External hard drives

External hard drives refer to physical devices that store data. They connect to a computer via a USB port or wirelessly. External hard drives come in different capacities, which range from 1TB to 16TB.

Benefits of external hard drives

One of the benefits of external hard drives is that they offer high storage capacity. For example, a 2TB external hard drive can store over 500,000 photos or 1,000 hours of video. External hard drives are also secure - they don't rely on an internet connection or cloud provider, and the data stored on them is only accessible through the device itself.

Drawbacks of external hard drives

One of the drawbacks of external hard drives is that they are prone to damage. If the device is dropped, it can cause damage or data loss. External hard drives are also not as portable as the cloud - they require physical transport. The data on an external hard drive can also become outdated quickly as files need to be manually updated.

Costs of external hard drives

The cost of an external hard drive also varies based on the storage capacity. A 2TB external hard drive can cost approximately $54 to $65, while a 16TB external hard drive can cost over $400.


So, which is better - cloud storage or external hard drives? It comes down to personal preference and use case. Cloud storage is ideal for those who need to access their data on the go, from multiple devices. It's also useful for those who want automated syncing of their files. On the other hand, external hard drives are best suited for those who need large amounts of storage capacity and don't need to access their data from anywhere.

Cloud storage External hard drives
Accessibility Virtually anywhere Only when the device is connected
Security Reliant on provider Stored locally
Capacity Varies (paid for) Up to 16TB
Cost Varies (paid for) Minimum $54


As we've seen, both cloud storage and external hard drives have their pros and cons. In terms of accessibility and automation, cloud storage is hard to beat, while external hard drives are useful for local storage and security. Ultimately, the choice between the two depends on the user's needs and preferences.


  1. Google One. "Get Google One." Accessed January 31, 2022.
  2. Western Digital. "External Hard Drives." Accessed January 31, 2022.

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